
Monday, October 28, 2013

D&C 130:21 -- Obedience to each commandment

Hey Family!

   Well the major event that happened this past week was the baptism of the family that we have been teaching!  As you can see in the photo that the father (Jaime), mother(Silvia), and son(Cristobal) were baptized Saturday night. The youngest (Pia) will be baptized on the first weekend of December because that is when she turns 8 years old.  The baptism was pure Spirit and I will never forget the joy that was felt there.   I baptized the dad while Elder Sosa baptized the mom and son.  Then we switched yesterday and I confirmed those that Elder Sosa baptized while he did the same to the dad.  The ward was very excited to see this family make a huge step in their life and many told us that this gave them more desires to share the Gospel with others.  I don´t have much time left, but just wanted to let you know about and see the family that has helped me realize more and more that the Lord needs me here in Quillota.  This is truly His Work and He always knows where we need to be.  This week we need to work very hard in finding new investigators who are waiting for us.  The days are getting hotter and hotter here while I imagine that where you all are it is getting colder and colder.  Have a good Halloween!  The Chileans also celebrate Halloween but not as amazing as the United States, but that´s ok because it means that more people will be available to listen to our message!  

Love you all!
Elder Weidman

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Romans 10:14 - "How shall they hear without a preacher (missionary)"

Hey family!

   October has flown by, just like every month in the missionary.  Each day gets hotter and hotter and my companion and I are preparing ourselves for the summer that is coming. The good part about the change in the weather is now that it is warm enough to play basketball or run in the morning for the 30 minutes that are given to us.  We take advantage of it as much as possible.

   A little update on my investigators. The only set of investigators that we have who have signs of progression is the Cortez Family.  They are a family of 4, 2 parents and 2 children, 3 of which are able to be baptized because they are older than 7 years old.  We have seriously seen miracles with this family.  I know that I have mentioned experiences with them in the past emails, but since I have more time this email I´m going to try to give the whole history of them.  Everything started with the Zone Conference we had with President Kähnlein around 5 weeks ago, which happened on aMonday.  His main focus during the whole entire conference was on finding the chosen families who are ready to hear and accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ into their lives.  Immediately after the conference, my companion and I made a goal to find one of those chosen families.  1 hour later, while looking for a less active family, my companion accidentally knocked on the wrong door, thinking that it was the house of the less actives. Out of embarrassment, he started walking away when I told him the truth, but than I told him that we should wait and see what happened.  He happily agreed and we excitedly waited there.  2 seconds later, the dad of the family, Jaime, opened the fence door and excitedly told us to come in.  During this first visit we met him and his son, Cristobal.  They explained to us that their family had met with missionaries once before but then they never returned to the house and the contact was lost.  We quickly explained our purpose and set a follow up appointment for when the entire family would be home.  

   The next appointment was with the entire family, on the following Saturday.  We were able to meet the mom, Silvia, and the daughter, Pia.  During the second appointment, we watched the Restoration video and shared about the importance of our message.  We could tell that the son, Cristobal, was interested in the message and wanted to know more but the parents didn´t have the same desire to learn but they still wanted us to continue coming over because we were nice and funny. We invited them to church on Sunday but they didn´t have enough time to clear their schedules in order to go.   Throughout the next 3 appointments, we began to focus a lot more on Cristobal and the following Sunday he came arrived at church for the last hour.  We were very worried because this was the 5th Sunday of the month which meant that all the members were together for the last hour.  For the 3rd hour, all the adults in the ward had a little conference about who would clean the chapel for the rest of the year.  Instead of settling the matter very peacefully, the members started arguing and contention was there.  Cristobal wasn´t too impressed but luckily we had a baptism (for Nico) right after the meetings and he felt the Spirit there.  

  The following week, we met with the family twice and taught only about the importance of prophets.  They accepted our invitation to attend General Conference and the whole family arrived for the session when President Monson talked! They absolutely loved his words and immediately gained a testimony.  After conference we had an amazing lesson that was centered on the covenants we can make in the temple in order to be sealed for time and all eternity.  They accepted to invitation to be baptized the 20th as a family, and every lesson since than has been pure Spirit.  Whenever the family has a doubt or fear of being baptized, they begin reading in the Book of Mormon and then it disappears.  Due to lack of teaching, we moved to baptismal date to the 26th and they will for sure be baptized as a family that day.  They committed to live each commandment that we taught them and tomorrow they will have their baptismal interviews.  Pia turns 8 in December and her dad or brother will baptize her.  In one year from now they will all be sealed in the Santiago Temple!!!  Due to time, I haven´t been able to include more details but I want you all to know that every aspect of Missionary Work (ex. work with members, videos, commitments, family home evening, prayer, EVERYTHING)  has been used to help this family and now I have a strong testimony of the divine power of Missionary Work.  

   Well I included a few photos so that you can tell how happy I am.  I hope everything is going great in your lives!

1. A Primary kid who came with us for a few hours this week.  
2. Posing in front of the Reloj de Flores (Clock of Flowers)

Love you all!
Elder Weidman

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

I'm not disobedient

Hey family again,

   I´m not disobedient because my companion and I received permission to spend 1 hour on internet in the night time.  I´m sure that you all are dying to know if my companion survived his deathly wound.  The truth is yes and he didn´t even have to get a shot.  We went back to the hospital for another hour of waiting and then they confessed that they had no supply of this shot.... Patience is a virtue and the Lord will bless us for the 3 and a half hours that we waited! I´m sure that someone saw us in the hospital sitting against the wall so that the tv wasn´t in our site and now they have a desire to listen to the message.  Keep the faith!

   One more thing. Nina mentioned in her life update that everyone would be together for Thanksgiving and maybe we could all tune into Google Circle to have a video chat.  I was actually thinking about that and wanted to know if everyone will be able to access internet on Christmas for the family video chat.  If not, I could ask President for permission to do my ¨family time¨ on Thanksgiving instead of Christmas, but I would only be able to do it if someone in the family isn´t able to on Christmas.  I need to know within the next week so that I can call President soon and ask. Does that make sense? If not, ask Mary.  I´m sure she understands. (If you don´t understand Mary, let me know now.) 

   The Lord is hastening His Work!  Did everyone give a reference to the missionaries this week? If you didn´t..... I´ll send Banjo to make sure you do it. 

Have a good week! Love,
Elder Weidman

Monday, October 14, 2013

Alma 37:36 True Consecration!

Hey family!

   Quick update.  I'm only on for 5 minutes today.  Maybe a bit later I'll get back on but who knows.  My companion got bit by a dog yesterday so now he needs to get 5 shots.  The first one is today and we were waiting in the hospital for seriously 2 hours.  They told us we could go take a quick break but now we have to return.  The size of the bite is TINY yet he needs those shots just in case.  Just in case I don't get back on - The investigator family went to church yesterday.  They are preparing for the 26th for their baptize.  Dad - Elder Lopez was in my zone last change! That's awesome that you were able to meet him.  A great elder who ended his mission working till the last second.  If anyone else has questions, send them my way!

Love you all!
Elder Weidman

Monday, October 7, 2013

Mosiah 28:3 - ¨Salvation...declared to every creature¨

Hey there family!

   Well I don´t know about everyone else but I´m quite sad that this weekend has come to a close.  It´s worse than when Christmas is over and you realize that another long year awaits you until you can wake up to the smell of Dad´s famous pull aparts.  Heavenly Father talked directly to me and I was able to obtain a handful of answers to my questions.  I hope it was the same for you and know that we still can receive answers due to the amazing internet that we have at our fingertips.  

   I barely have anytime to include this email.  We had a District Activity today and in order to do our usual P Day chores, we need to cut a little time out of Internet. I hope that you all have the same response that Mary had ¨Das aight. We understand, dawg¨. I´m glad that her amazing ability to make me feel good about myself hasn´t changed :)  

   Conference did miracles for our family of investigators.  Before conference, only the son wanted to be baptized.  Now all 3 members of the family who are over the age of 8 have desires to make this covenant with God.  MIRACLES!  They were able to be taught by the world´s best teachers and the Spirit testified to them of the truth in their words.  What an amazing work this is.  

   Let´s put the things we learned in conference into action by giving a reference to the missionaries this week, whether the reference be in the city where we live or in another city. I promise that the Lord will bless you all with VISIBLE blessings.

Love you all!
Elder Weidman

P-S- The photos will come next week!!