
Monday, April 15, 2013

Alma 38:10 - Be diligent in all things

Hey Family!
  I have a lot to update you on this week!  I have seen a few changes here in Con Con and in the mission.  First I´ll start with the changes in the mission. President informed all the missionaries that we can now email everyone other than missionaries in the Viña Del Mission.  That means I can email to family, friends, missionaries in other missions, converts, and last, but not least, Priesthood Leaders!! That means that who ever reads this and wants to email me (which I know is about everyone) are allowed to write.  All emails will be accepted.
  This past week, we had changes and Elder Rivera left Con Con.  My companion right now is Elder Farnsworth from Orlando, Florida!  He is an amazing missionary who actually started in Con Con, the exact same area.  He served in Con Con for 5 weeks and then went straight to the Office due to his experience with computers and organizing before the mission.  He has been in Chile for 3 months longer than me and had been working in the Office until this week.  Something else about him that is very amazing is that he just took out his gallbladder the past week.  The month before Elder Farnsworth arrived to Con Con for the second time, he had been either in a bed or working in the office.  Throughout his whole mission, he has had periods of days where he was intensely ill.  He has had a very tough mission and at one point, a doctor told him that his only choice was to go back to the United States and figure out the problem there, but Elder Farnsworth firmly stated no.  He has a purpose here and will not go home early for any reason.  His determination to work is amazing and I am blessed to have him as a companion.  Finally the doctors found out what was wrong and they operated on him.  The past 2 months have been the hardest time in his life, but the most rewarding and gratifying time.  Right now, we have to take many breaks during the day to allow him to rest but he is recovering very quickly.  The work has not stopped here but instead has improved and quickened!  We are seeing miracles every single day, whether they be an amazing contact in the street, a spurt of energy for Elder Farnsworth, or a spiritual lesson with an investigator.  We know that the Lord is aware of our trials and weaknesses.  He will help us if we give all unto Him!
   Iva, the investigator from last week, was not able to get baptized yesterday due to her father having work. No worries though! She will get baptized this Saturday, hopefully with 3 other people from our area.  Like I said before, the Lord has shown His hand in our days.  At the beginning of the change, (last Wednesday), we set a goal of 4 baptisms this month.  We knew that it would be very difficult, but with assurance from the Lord, we felt it a high and appropiate goal.  Now we have the 4 potential baptisms and all are extremely close to the waters of baptism.  I will briefly describe the investigators:
   Cam: A young girl that is 12 years old.  Her father is a member of the church and he wants his daughter to be baptized.  She has been to the church 3 times and is currently praying to receive in answer about this Saturday.  She has other family members that are listening to us and are very interested.
   Car: An older man that is around 50 years old.  He has been an investigator for around 3 months but just recently told us that he desires to be baptized.  We have had many spiritual lessons with him that have led him to fulfill his commitments by reading the Book of Mormon and praying.  His testimony has grown strongly due to his determination to know the truth.
   Den: A youngish man that is 19 years old.  We found him through a member.  The member and Den have been friends since birth but Nic (the member) felt like now was the right time to share the Gospel with him.  Den has true desires to know the truth, which is amazing because at first, he had no interest in religion.  Last night he told us with tears that he felt the Spirit for the first time while praying at home.  He is praying for this Saturday.

   All these investigators are amazing and I have grown to love them.  Elder Farnsworth and I are beginning to realize that we need to start focusing on finding more investigators to teach once those written above are baptized.  The Church is true!  God performs miracles in our life due to our faith.  Let Him guide you!

   This morning we went to the dunes of Con Con.  Due to the enormous amount of sand, I decided that bringing my camera wasn´t the smartest idea but I am sure that you can find pictures on the internet.  We read our Patriarchal Blessings on the top of the Dunes and then ate Subway while looking over Con Con.  An awesome experience!

  I love and pray for you all!

Elder Weidman

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